Cradle program
women healthcare
To empower underprivileged sections of Indian society, primarily through an education program that fosters intellectual, social and cultural development of the children.In addition, we seek to provide the families with means to improve their social, economic and personal well-being through programs that include health care, substance abuse awareness, adult literacy classes, vocational training, and self-improvement workshops.
Cradle program
To give young parents a strong understanding of child development and the skills to raise happy, healthy babies. General idea: An 8-10 week long dedicated Pudiyador program for expectant and new mothers twice a year that covers topics like basic hygiene, basic health, nutrition, basic first aid, how to communicate with babies, how to stimulate them intellectually, child behavior.So this is the actual idea, we want to know what exactly you people are going to do with your research work on this. As part of Pudiyador policy, we will be unable to share any personal information of our community people like sharing photos or recording information without their permission.As requested I have answered for the requirements below, we actually working on 4 Zones, here I have mentioned only aboutBesant Nagar Urur Olcott kuppam community (Find below a short note about the community)
Urur Kuppam and Olcott Kuppam
These communities predominantly consist of fisherfolk, house maids, street vendors and garbage pickers. Children from hereare arguably the most at-risk of all Pudiyador children, owing to their impoverishment and their proximity to the ocean and associated nefarious activities. This community also sees a lot of “street children”, children that might or might not haveparents and who live and sleep on the streets.
Pregnant women
Newly married
parents of below 5 years kid
The Pudiyador center in this community is housed in the Police Boys Club building, a kind gesture by the local police department to whom we are grateful. Our young adult program for this zone takes place in the premises of the Vettiver Collective , another generous gesture and relationship that we cherish
- Educate the Rural women
Target People
- Pregnant Women
- Newly married women
- Parent till 5 years old kid
Our Team
UX Design lead

UX Designers



Sri hari





Field work



Stake holder Interview Questions
1. What is the basic education of women in the community?
2. How frequently can you conduct workshops?
3. Do you believe women would turn up to attend this workshops if conducted?
4. Will you be able to bring in experts to aid this cause?
5. Is it possible to create a forum for women alike in the society?
6. Will you be able to keep track of activities that one needs to do (or) has done?
7. What are the different communities that are part of this?
8. How many are capable of using gadgets?
9. What is the number of working women in the community?
10. What is the basic average income of a family?
11. Is it possible to interview women in person?
12. Will you be able arrange exclusive sessions for women?
insight from Stake holder Interview
What is the basic education of women in the community?
Most of the women are not educated. 5% of women only educated.
How frequently can you conduct workshops?
As I mentioned above we plan to conduct 8-10 weeks program / workshop for Cradle. This could be weekly once or maximum twice. These will be in batches of 10 to 20 women.
Do you believe women would turn up to attend this workshops if conducted?
Just to give a background - A year back, we collected the database of all the families in this community and identified about 130 pregnant women. We had couple of kick off programs for which the women didn't turn up in great strengths. Main reasons are also lack of awareness on the importance of raising healthy babies / wanting to know about their bodies / benefiting from such programs. Our current efforts are quite promising. We feel, If we approach by the right plan they will definitely come.
Will you be able to bring in experts to aid this cause?
We were referred to few doctors all of whom seemed too busy for our program or information sharing. We are still in the process of finding references and meeting them. It will be great if you people can also bring.
Is it possible to create a forum for women alike in the society?
Society or Community? If community, yes we can, we already have a place for them.
Will you be able to keep track of activities that one needs to do (or) has done?
What are the different communities that are part of this?
Fisherman Community
How many are capable of using gadgets?
Most of them are using a basic mobile phone.
What is the number of working women in the community?
70% of women are working. Are you asking about pregnant women in specific?
What is the basic average income of a family?
300- 600 per day
Is it possible to interview women in person?
As I said above, yes we can, but if we record the interview we need to get permission from them.
Will you be able to arrange exclusive sessions for women?
Our Team

User Data Analysis

Stake holder Interview Questions
1.What is your daily routine?
2.How do you spend your free time?
3.What was your most difficult adaptation coming into a new family?
4.What do you miss the most after getting married?
5.Are you a working women?
6.Your daily income?
7.What is the one thing that takes most of your earnings every month?
8.Have you ever felt a bit more of education could have made your life better?
9.Who has the highest level of education in your family and what is it?
10.Have you ever wished for a cleaner surrounding?
11.Do you spend quality time with your husband regularly?
12.A necessity turned commodity that you feel has had a huge impact on your life? 13.At what age did you get married and what do you think is the right age for girls to get married? 14.Was there anyone to guide you through the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy?
15. At which month you found out you were pregnant?
16. Was there any change in your food habits during pregnancy?
17. How often did you go for checkups?
18. Were you aware of the government benefits and schemes?
19. Did you have a normal delivery or c section?
20. What was the weight of your baby at birth?
21. Did you use diapers for your kids or how did you prevent them from getting wet? 22.Has your child undergone all vaccinations and how much were you aware of all those in the first place? 23.What do you want your child to be?
24. How much time you and your husband spend with your kids in a day?
26. Average savings in a month or year?
25 . What are the basic hygiene practices that you teach your kids?

Field work
Based on the data collected on that day we have analysed a set of common problems of the
community and the people living there and have worked on few possible solutions. I’ve attached a
copy of the document made on problems and solutions.And it’s not finalised data.Two more data
analysis need to be done.Experts level and exact target people interview need to be done to get the
constrain data.
I’m listing out a set of requirements from our side. Have a look and let me know what you think.
1. Women belonging to exact user groups (newly married Women, Pregnant women, parent below 5
years old kid ) for further interview and data analysis.
2. Get in touch with experts who would be more than happy to help us on this.
3. How far possible is it to bring in M.B.B.S students for an interactive session?
4. Bringing in influencers for a guest lecture.
5. Identifying women achievers who have excelled in their field and hailing form their community.
6. Do you have contact of doctors, Psychiatrist,Women Activist, Ngo’S working for women?
if yes let us know the details it may help us to collect the professional aspects of data.
Time constraint
Weekend or weekly 3 days session
Technically 50% enabled
Expose them to use the use of gadgets in their native language.
5k avg.salary
Tell them the importance of balance diet and make them know about nutrition value in foods they can afford. (If possible arrange nutrient rich food)
9 to 3.30 and 4.30 to 7 working hours
Weekend classes- 1.5 hours
Weekly thrice- 1 hour
Weekend classes- 1.5 hours
Weekly thrice- 1 hour
Habit tracker/Stress
Provide them with data sheets and posters on things to do to overcome stress and loneliness.
Dinner time/ Family time
Conducting family events to encourage family interaction and improve bonding.
No regular outings
Conducting exhibition and displaying items made by the women during the hands-on training session and letting their families to come and have a look.
No own toilet
Maintain a separate ‘hundi’ for those without toilet and make them put some amount of money in it whenever posssible and use it to build their own toilet.(Hundi should be in the PUDIYADOR center)
Kids ambition
Conduct events that engage mom and kids(refer ‘super mom’ show on zee tamil, something of the same context)
Personal and doctor advise
Doctor session on related topics and if possible bring in MBSS students for an interactive session.
Kids education
Mom schooling.
Bedtime stories with a moral
representing social awareness.
Kids habits
Educating parents on the do’s and dont’s in front of the child.