21 Days Quarantine Challenge

21 Days Quarantine Challenge

The lock down had a great impact on the kids as well as adults. So, we came up with a 21 days lock down challenge for the kids and adults in order to cope with their mental health by providing them with kits.

How Lockdown Effected Kids & Adults

The COVID-19 global pandemic has led to global mental health issues with well-resourced and under-resourced economies alike continuing to face these similar needs. The world’s sense of peace and security continues to erode. Over 188 countries worldwide suspended schools countrywide in response to suggested measures of physical and social distancing in order to mitigate person-to-person transmission. However, with the school closure, 90 percent (1.5 billion) of registered learners are young people and 72 percent have been impacted. Studies show that the effects of school closure during COVID-19 have exacerbated negative effects on children and adolescents. For instance, in India and Singapore, candidate final exams were canceled and university entry exams were suspended or canceled. Twenty percent of the young people affected were anxious and worried if they would ever go back to school.

Anecdotally, we know that many children struggled with the demands of home learning and with loneliness after weeks of social isolation.  However lockdown brought some welcome respite from the everyday stresses of school, bullying and peer pressure.

21 Days Kids Challenge

Chalkpiece along with maxiup mom conducted various activities for kids during the initial 21 days of lock down. As per our kit, the kids were engaged in fun and engaging activities for the first 21 days of the lock down. They expressed their creative side and created mind blowing things from scratch, engaged themselves in household chores and mainly learnt the importance of self-care, empathy and how new things can be learnt everyday.

21 Days Adult Challenge

Similar to the kids challenge, Chalkpiece along with dashing chic boutique and responsible consumer zone conducted various activities for the adults. The 21 days adult challenge stressed the importance of sustainability. All the activities were aimed to make them realize what sustainability is and how it can be implemented in our everyday lives. The activities ensured that both their creative and logical thinking were well utilized, Some if the fun activities were the doodle series, cooking challenge, etc. The participants were able to reestablish their inner child and engage themselves without any hassle.


The pandemic is a challenge to each one of us. By engaging the kids and adults in all these activities we were able to relieve the stress and at the same time make them learn new things everyday. The 21 day challenge helped them to re establish their forgotten talents and as well as learn about their hidden talents

We can't control everything that happens, but we can change our experience of those things !!