Change Makers
App - Redesign (Volunteering opportunities)
Change Makers
Grassroots is an app which helps in gathering volunteering opportunities from different NGOs.
We did a redesign of the app by checking the pain points and changing few designs to give the users a better user experience.

Current Design

Pain Points
Bottom navigation should have minimum 3 options because too much negative space will confuse the users to make a decision.

Instead of placing both the logo and name of the NGO, the name is enough for easy understanding.
The date and time location, images are given high importance which delays the users in the process of joining the event.

Using multiple colour icon will confuse the user and they will navigate to google map
For new users, it is hard to understand what these icons are conveying( Event
Screen home button, volunteer button, info)
Join button must be disabled when the number of volunteer count is tallied (Ex: 2/2)(it is optional and depends on NGO and
Share option is also available for the events that are already over. It may convey wrongly to the users.
In the past event tab, the summary details looks like feedback. It need to have the full details of the event like success stories.

Messenger chat options will loop the user to move to another platform.
There is no option available to sort or search particular event.

Event day and date details on the label(homepage) is repeated multiple times.
Messenger chat icon float in all screens. It may distract the user.

NGO detail page about the NGO should come first and then the feedback tab should come because without knowing the NGO, the users don’t need the feedback tab.

Each event post doesn’t have the direct NGO details. Users should go to settings > NGO >NGO details which will complicate user joining.
A deep reserach were done on the current design of the app and all the pain points were noted and addressed to ease the experience for the users.

In the Home Page
1. Events are split based on the high need of NGO, it helps volunteer to prioritize the events.
2. Daily Events are sliding it will take high attention
3. Recommended events make it easier to notice the relevant event which the users attended earlier.
4. Newly added list insist the users remember the event schedule.
5. It is easy for the users to access the top navigation compared to bottom navigation.
6. Sort by option minimizes the time duration of searching the event by volunteers.
7. Saving the event may help in remembering the event again
8. Notification gives a reminder about saved events, enrolled event and Followed NGOs activities.
9. User profile details are given inside the menu which help to analyse the user activity details.
In NGO Page Screen
In NGO details page without knowing the NGO, the users don’t use the feedback
so the About is given first and feedback is followed by about tab.
2. On the event page, the details are given in an order for the easy understanding
of the users. The event image and name is given the top priority.
3. Event and Info tabs are given the next priority.
4. Description, event date, venue and number of volunteers required is the order of
details placed in the event tab.
5. The next detail is the number of volunteers coming and the remaining volunteers.
6. Location and NGO name are given a link which helps the users navigate event
location and also NGO details.
7. Registered volunteers details are shown in the pop message.
8.The chat option is not necessary for every screen. Instead of Messenger,
Chatbot could be use.
Redesign Outcome
Home Screen



Event Screen



NGO Screen
